WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2012 Common Front Offers Alternative Budget Proposals for Alward Government Information Session Wednesday Night Click here to read article in Moncton Free Press (Fredericton, NB - February 28, 2012) The Common Front For Social Justice will hold a free public information session Wednesday, February 29, as part of a province wide tour to raise awareness of the upcoming 2012-2013 provincial budget. The event will be held at The Meeting Place Church, 487 Brunswick Street, Fredericton from 7-8 pm. All are welcome. Sister Aurea Cormier of the Common Front in Moncton will give a presentation that includes proposals for a fairer tax system and suggestions for increased revenue to provide adequate services for New Brunswickers. - 30 - For further information, please contact: Common Front for Social Justice Fredericton Anti Poverty Organization email: 458-9102. Download Post...
Showing posts from February, 2012