May 4, 2011: Impact of Budget on Poor Focus of Information Session

The Common Front for Social Justice will hold a public information session in Fredericton on the impact of the provincial budget on the 40,000 people on Income Assistance in New Brunswick. The Fredericton event is part of a province wide tour and will be held at 7 pm, Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at The Meeting Place Church at 487 Brunswick Street. The information session will include an analysis of the 2011-2012 provincial budget by the CFSJ, figures on the rising cost of basic needs, and actions of solidarity with regards to people on low income. For further information please contact Melynda Jarratt, Fredericton Regional Representative for the CFSJ, at the Fredericton Anti-Poverty Organization, 458-9102 or by email at Click here to download poster in PDF or JPG format.